A kōrero with Associate Professor Carl Mika

Whakapuāwai Podcast Series

Tēnā koutou katoa.

It is an honour to announce the release of the fifth episode in our Whakapuāwai Podcast Series, featuring a kōrero with Associate Professor Carl Mika.

Carl Te Hira Lewis Mika has whakapapa to Tūhourangi iwi and is a Professor in Aotahi: School of Māori and Indigenous Studies, University of Canterbury, specialising in Māori and Indigenous philosophy, with a particular focus on its revitalisation within a colonised reality. Carl is committed to investigating Indigenous notions of holism. He currently works on the Māori concepts of nothingness and darkness in response to an Enlightenment focus on clarity and speculates on how they can form the backdrop of academic expression. Carl also contributes to philosophical discussions arising around mātauranga Māori and science.

Please enjoy listening!