Pukenga / Lecturer

Shemana Cassim

Shemana is a lecturer affiliated with the Centre for Indigenous Psychologies. While Shemana has a background in Community Psychology, her intellectual roots are located in Indigenous Psychologies and she takes an interdisciplinary approach to research and teaching.

Shemana is originally from Sri Lanka, and has lived in Aotearoa for 10 years. She has an interest in the cultural, historical and social contexts and societal structures that influence the everyday life-worlds of migrant communities of colour as well as Indigenous communities. In 2017, Shemana completed her PhD exploring how Sri Lankan migrants in New Zealand negotiate processes of settlement and adaptation in their new home in ways that can enhance their sense of belonging and thus their overall well-being.

Recently, Shemana has been involved in multiple community research projects aimed at promoting equity for Māori as well as Muslim migrant communities.

Shemana can be contacted by appointment.