Māra Tautāne

Revitalisation of traditional hapū practices

Funded by: Mobilising for Action theme, of the Ngā Rākau Taketake stream of the Biological Heritage National Science Challenge

Date: July 2020 – March 2022

Amount Awarded: $156,132

Project Team: Whaea Teina Boasa-Dean, Leela Uatuku, Huka Williams, Dr Natasha Tassell-Matamua, Dr Marie McEntee, Merekaraka Te Whitu, Lightshift Productions

This research was co-led alongside Whaea Teina Boasa-Dean from Te Māhurehure hapū of Ngai Tūhoe and Dr Marie McEntee from the University of Auckland.

This project has observed and recorded the revitalisation of the practice of māra tautāne in the Rūātoki Valley, and documented through extensive kōrero and film the deep cultural and spiritual significance that Māra Tautāne hold for Māori, as well as the importance of the role of wāhine to the preservation and maintenance of māra.

Project Outputs:


Tassell-Matamua, N. & Kora, A. (2023). Te Māra Tautāne. Revitalising a customary practice. ArcGIS Online, DOI: https://arcg.is/15CTCH

Journal Article

Tassell-Matamua, N., Boasa-Dean, T., & McEntee, M. (2023). Indigenous knowledge revitalization: Indigenous gardening and its wider implications for the people of Tūhoe. Knowledge Cultures, 1, 98-114.

Short Documentary

Te Māra Tautāne


Māra tautāne e-book