Mobilising for Action

Funded by: Ngā Rākau Taketake stream of the Biological Heritage National Science Challenge

Date: June 2020 – June 2023

Amount Awarded: approximately $200,000 (specific to the Centre for Indigenous Psychologies)

Project Team: Associate Professor Natasha Tassell-Matamua, Dr Marie McEntee

This research theme was co-led by our own Associate Professor Natasha Tassell-Matamua and Dr Marie McEntee from the University of Auckland from June 2020-March 2022. Associate Professor Tassell-Matamua stepped away from the co-lead role in March 2022. The theme is still currently in progress and is co-led by Dr Marie McEntee and Dr Mark Harvey, both from the University of Auckland.

The ‘Mobilising for Action’ research investment focuses on the human dimensions of forest health management, specifically kauri dieback and myrtle rust. It has developed and supported research that explores the connections between people and the ngahere (forest) specifically, and people and te taiao more generally.

Associate Professor Tassell-Matamua and Dr Marie McEntee coordinated 8 teams who worked on projects aimed at meeting the objectives of Mobilising for Action. Projects methodologies include qualitative, quantitative, ethnographic, artistic, and case studies.