The Māramatanga: Indigenous Psychologies seminar with Dr Felicity Ware

On the 13th of October, we had the privilege of hosting Dr Felicity Ware with the presentation “Matauranga and te ao maori perspectives of Hauora with a focus on for example mama and pepi” for our Māramatanga Indigenous Psychologies seminar.

Dr Felicity Ware is an Indigenous mother from the North of Aotearoa New Zealand raising three children. As a senior lecturer in hauora in Te Pūtahi a Toi School of Māori Knowledge at Massey University Felicity coordinates Toi Hauora which provides innoNative teaching, research, and supervision in kaupapa Māori and whānau-centred solutions to elevate the health and wellbeing of Māori communities. Her personal research, advisory roles, and community service serve to improve infant and maternal health outcomes and experiences, especially for young indigenous parents.