Student Support & Engagement

Student Support

The Centre for Indigenous Psychologies is committed to providing a nurturing environment that fosters the learning experience of our students, especially Indigenous students. Two rooms have been dedicated to Māori and Pasifika students studying Psychology. Rau Aroha, a quiet study space and Tuia Te Mana Māori, a whakawhanaungatanga space.

Each year, students are encouraged to apply for the Whaea Ephra Garrett Award to support their attendance at a national conference; usually the New Zealand Psychological Society Conference. More information about the award is provided here.

Student Engagement

Tutorials and shared lunches are held every Wednesday during semester one and two, in Tuia Te Mana Māori. The Centre for Indigenous Psychologies also holds regular shared lunches throughout the semester, open for students to ‘call in’ and spend some time chatting about your studies and getting to know others.

The Centre for Indigenous Psychologies also manages two stream-sites that offer support for Māori and Pasifika students studying Psychology across Aotearoa.

Enrolment in the Stream site is usually automatic at the beginning of each semester, however if you are not enrolled to the Stream site and would like to be, please contact our Kaiwhakaako.

We are also pleased to host a student-driven initiative, Rapua te reo kia puta. Initially created by students who affiliate with the Centre for Indigenous Psychologies during the 2020 Covid-19 lock-down, the blog provided space for students to contribute creative pieces that incorporate indigenous psychological perspectives and approaches. While initiated by students, affiliated staff members have also contributed blog posts. The blog continues to run and is updated bi-monthly.